OC Life Insurance - Contact OC Life Insurance, located in Mission Viejo, California, for life insurance, long term life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.
OC Life Insurance - Contact OC Life Insurance, located in Mission Viejo, California, for life insurance, long term life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.


Long Term Care
Some Old Wives' Tales Could Be Very Harmful to Your Financial Health!
  • “I will never go into a nursing home anyway!”
  • The total risk of a 65-year-old entering a nursing home at some point in life is 49%.
  • “I can always count on Medicare!”
  • Medicare payments are very limited.
  • “There’s always Medicaid!”
  • Medicaid is Welfare.
  • “Don’t worry; your kids will take care of you!”
  • Let’s face it. American families are changing.
  • We have long-term care insurance experts ready to help you!
Ask us about tax deductions on your long-term care insurance!

1- 800-564-3309



OC Life Insurance - Contact OC Life Insurance, located in Mission Viejo, California, for life insurance, long term life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.
OC Life Insurance - Contact OC Life Insurance, located in Mission Viejo, California, for life insurance, long term life insurance, medical insurance, and dental insurance.